Adult Youth Transitions Corp.

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College Advice for Freshman Quaranteens!

AYT College Advice video library is now available for free online while campus offices across the country remain closed! See the links below for videos and articles to prepare for the transition from High School to college. AYT is here to help.

Video Library Display

(links to videos below)

College and University : Getting to Work

*View for FREE!

Stuff to Consider in College

College Application Essay

NEW!: How to Pay for College! Click Here

GPA in Semester Planning

Considerations in Choosing Classes

Fulltime vs Part Time Classes

For Parents of College 'Kids'

Intro to FERPA Privacy Law

Talking About Grades

Getting Help from College Officials

Choosing Your Classes

Intro to Choosing Classes

Choosing Professors

Choosing Classes Pro-Level

Work Life Balance in College

Intro to College Work Life Balance

Fulltime or Parttime Courseload

Career Prep in College

Job Skill Built in College

Want to Finish School Early? Watch This

Start the Heroic Journey of Your Career

Career Guidance

Career Guidance Videos Now Available through Patreon Subscription!

*Paid Content Available with "AYT Full Access" or "Career Mapping" Packages

Video Game Addiction Detox

Video Game Addiction Detox Program (G3 9-step Model) Available through Patreon Video Series!

*Paid Content Available with "AYT Full Access" or "Video Game Detox" Packages

Academic Resources

NOTE: This "Academic Resources" includes content which are not created by nor affiliated with AYT, but which can help understand complex materials and serve as a useful supplement to traditional classrooms.


Why Science matters: whether material, biological, social, or computer sciences - a person who understands the science behind technologies and phenomena has an enormous advantage over others who do not. Science grants the possibility to influence and predict what will happen in a given situation - to a person who understands all the sciences, the world makes sense, to a person who understands none of the sciences, the world is magic - and other people are wizards in it. Each of us chooses where we wish to exist between those two extremes.

A basic level of understanding of each scientific discipline is a wise foundation to start life with. As a consumer and user of material goods - some basic understanding of material science is necessary. As a human interacting with other humans in an orderly manner - some understanding of the social sciences is required. For anyone who uses computer-based technologies - we should understand at least the basics of the computer sciences. And since all of us are as biologically fragile as we are functional - some familiarity with biological sciences should not be overlooked.

Youtube: Because Science - animated science concepts with added humor

Youtube: TierZoo - animated zoology ranking animals as if in a video game


Why History matters: History sometimes repeats itself, and it ALWAYS rhythms with itself - different moments in history are variations upon the same themes. In a professional role, if you understand historical events (similar to or different from) in comparison to the current state of the industry in which you work, and the societal context of that industry, you will have an advantage in predicting and preparing for major changes. You will proactively out-compete everyone who is merely reacting to the same events. As a parent history enriches your relationship with your offspring. Giving a wider historical context to your family stories allows you to share your identity, your culture, and your values - without history, these things (identity, culture, values) become degraded into mere survival strategies with no more meaning than service to some higher power.

And if you aren't a parent and if you have no professional role, but if you are simply a human who life is partially governed by other humans, then an understanding of history is necessary for your own self-interest - be aware enough when you are being governed appropriately or inappropriately. Perhaps one day you're told that you are required by law to recite a patriotic song once daily. Maybe you live in a society where such a law in unheard of an offensive, maybe you live in a society where such a law is sacredly integral to your way of life - how do you know whether laws are appropriate or inappropriate? You don't know! Not without a historical context of your own culture in comparison to others. If you don't know your (our) history you will have no idea how to navigate the legal-or-ethical landscape of your rights and responsibilities.

Youtube: Extra Credits - animated history

Youtube: Kraut - animated history

Youtube: Overly Sarcastic - animated history and mythologies

Youtube: Historia Civilis - animated ancient history events

Youtube: Biographics - biographies

Youtube: Geographics - geography


Why Math matters: You are unlikely, in later years, to use all the math you learn in school - and you are definitely going to need something we call "quantitative reasoning" (that's the mental ability to understand numbers). Think of math like sports.

If you aren't going to become a professional athlete, you really don't need to learn the rules of football, or water polo, or tennis. It doesn't matter. AND if you don't learn (early in life) how to be physically active and how to coordinate your talents as part of a team - you are going to encounter lots of preventable problems later in life. Math is like that. If you aren't planning to become any kind of scholar or scientist then you probably won't need to know all the rules of Algebra, Statistics, Trigonometry, etc. AND if you don't (early in life) exercise your mind to understand "quantitative" (math) concepts, then you will struggle more significantly with preventable problems later in life.

A person who has never played sports (or done performing arts) will be less effective on a team than someone who has - and a person who never tried to learn math (to their best ability) will be less effective (in competition and collaboration) than people who do understand numbers.

MIT Math Course Resources

Khan Academy

Better Explained Math Info

Patrick JMT Math Resources


History of English BBC Documentary

History English Alphabet

Proto-Indo-European Languages

How Language Families Change

Grimms Law aka Rasks Rule

Language Families

Youtube: Hello Future Me - story structure and writing

Career Guidance

Career Guidance Videos Now Available through Patreon Subscription!

*Paid Content Available with "AYT Full Access" or "Career Mapping" Packages

Video Game Addiction Detox

Video Game Addiction Detox Program (G3 9-step Model) Available through Patreon Video Series!

*Paid Content Available with "AYT Full Access" or "Video Game Detox" Packages

Recommended Reading Library


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